
In the media

UN Development Programme:

Mobile delivered crop insurance for farmers.

Startups for Sustainable Development:

OKO assure income to those who feed the world

Mobile for Development:

Agricultural insurance for smallholder farmers, scale digital innnovations

See report
The Humanitarian Innovation Programme:

Scaling up gender-focused crop insurance

OKO finance:

Automated crop insurance for smallholder farmers


OKO in the News

Press releases

Depuis janvier 2020, une jeune start-up israélienne OKO propose une assurance aux petits exploitants agricoles maliens exposés aux conséquences du changement climatique.

Depuis janvier 2020, une jeune start-up israélienne OKO propose une assurance aux petits exploitants agricoles maliens exposés aux conséquences du changement climatique.

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Les Africains perçoivent l’assurance comme une contrainte. Dans les agences, les professionnels continuent d’en avoir une pratique très classique. Pourtant tous les ingrédients sont là pour dynamiser un marché prometteur.

Les Africains perçoivent l’assurance comme une contrainte. Dans les agences, les professionnels continuent d’en avoir une pratique très classique. Pourtant tous les ingrédients sont là pour dynamiser un marché prometteur.

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Horizons africains. A l'aide de données satellitaires et de paiements par téléphone portable, une start-up assure des petits producteurs. Une innovation prometteuse pour le continent.

Horizons africains. A l'aide de données satellitaires et de paiements par téléphone portable, une start-up assure des petits producteurs. Une innovation prometteuse pour le continent.

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At the end of 2022, the Israeli entity will offer its index insurance to farmers in the cocoa sector. This is at the request of the French agro-industrial group Touton, which obtains its supplies from 50,000 small producers in Côte d’Ivoire.

At the end of 2022, the Israeli entity will offer its index insurance to farmers in the cocoa sector. This is at the request of the French agro-industrial group Touton, which obtains its supplies from 50,000 small producers in Côte d’Ivoire.

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Our Blog

July 1, 2024
How agricultural insurance can transform small farms in Africa

Agriculture is the economic backbone of many African countries, providing employment and livelihoods for a significant portion of the population. However, small-scale farms often face considerable challenges, including climatic risks, crop diseases, and market price fluctuations. In this context, agricultural insurance emerges as a potential solution to transform these small farms, making them more resilient […]

March 4, 2024
Allianz renews its partnership with OKO to bring climate insurance to small and large African farms

In a move that resembles a vote of confidence for the start-up, Allianz Africa renewed its multi-year partnership with OKO. Allianz and OKO initially signed an agreement in 2019 to test OKO’s concept in Mali. OKO offered an affordable and automated climate insurance accessible for the first time via mobile phone to smallholder farmers. 4 […]

February 1, 2024
OKO: Soutien Crucial aux Agriculteurs Face aux Aléas Climatiques

Dans une année marquée par des défis météorologiques, OKO, la start-upd'assurance agricole basée à Bamako, continue de jouer un rôle essentiel dans laprotection des agriculteurs maliens. Les indemnisations versées cette saison à 2009 petits exploitants sur les 10 014 assurés témoignent de l'engagement del'entreprise envers la résilience face aux aléas climatiques. Les régions de Ségou […]

August 1, 2022
OKO Takes Home the Insurtech Insights Europe Ambitious Insurer Award

In July 2022, OKO and Allianz started a partnership in Ivory Coast, with the support of the cocoa trading company Touton. OKO brought its crop insurance distribution technology to help the millions of cocoa farmers in Ivory Coast who survive on an average of just $0.78 a day. Over the course of 6 months, OKO […]

April 16, 2022
Insurtech OKO raises $500,000 USD in an extension round for their expansion to Côte D’Ivoire.

Insurtech Start-up OKO has closed an extension round of $500,000 USD, and announced their plans to launch in the Ivory Coast with their existing partners, Orange, Allianz and Touton, to bring affordable, low-cost insurance to more farmers in Africa. The start-up operates in Mali and Uganda, and offers automated insurance using satellite data and mobile […]

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