Crop insurance that unlocks agricultural financing

Reduce default rate, late payments and de-risk farmers to serve a larger population.
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100 farmers
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Reduce Financial Risks

Protect loans with insurance

Secure your agricultural loans with affordable crop insurance. OKO is the only player offering a full end-to-end solution from product design to last-mile distribution.

Automated Insurance

Customized per crop and fully compliant to local regulation. Automated indemnity payment based on weather data

Distribution Tools

Customized Android app for all field agents and online app dedicated for call centers and customer service

Commission Scheme

Ensure accountability and trust by incentivizing your agents, empowering them to maximize earnings and financial security
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Real Results, Wider Impact

Unlocking Opportunities in Agricultural Finance

OKO Finance has made a tangible difference in partnership with several microfinance institutions and mobile network operators. We’ve not only protected farming futures but also catalyzed economic growth and financial resilience in these rural communities.
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  • case study

    How did OKO help VisionFund in Mali?

    In 2023, RMCR (part of the VisionFund network) partnered with OKO to offer crop insurance to their customers.
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  • as a result

    Agricultural loans became more accessible

    No more guarantees were required from farmers applying for an agricultural loan.

    Farmers became more resilient

    31% of customers were indemnified after suffering from adverse weather conditions.

    Loans were automatically repaid

    Indemnities of up to 58% of the loan value were paid directly to the financial institution.

  • case study

    With OKO, Orange Mali enriched their services

    Orange Money saw OKO as a great opportunity to enrich their portfolio of financial services and offer a service that is aligned with the needs of their users.
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  • as a result

    User base expanded

    OKO had a direct impact on the adoption and usage of the Orange Money wallet. Many farmers decided to create an Orange Money account in order to access OKO’s insurance.

    Synergies were created within the system

    OKO had a direct impact on the adoption and usage of the Orange Money wallet. Many farmers decided to create an Orange Money account in order to access OKO’s insurance.

Our End-to-End Solution
 Insurance Product Design
Proprietary Actuarial Software
Remote Satellite Weather Monitoring
Distribution Tools
Distribution Tools
Fully Customized CRM Tools
Mobile Payment Solutions
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Let’s work together

Level Up With OKO

By integrating our crop insurance solutions into your offerings, you can de-risk agricultural loans, expand your reach to underserved communities, and drive financial inclusion on a larger scale.
Reduce default rates and late payments
Expand your reach with more accesible loans
Mobile Network
Expand services & attract new customers
Generate associated revenues

Learn more about us

Leading the Way in Crop Insurance

We’re pioneers in the field, leveraging advanced technologies and deep industry expertise to revolutionize financial security in agriculture. With a mission-driven approach, we’re dedicated to creating lasting impact for farmers and lenders alike.
about OKO

Automated, fast & secure: our insurance helps farmers thrive.

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Mali | Uganda | Côte d’Ivoire
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Designed & built with care by ✽ Sunflower Communications
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